Tips for removing rust from internal and external threads of drill pipes

Keywords: drill pipe rust, internal and external threads of drill pipe, remove rust, anti-corrosion measures
Tips for removing rust from internal and external threads of drill pipes:

1. Mechanical rust removal

There are two methods for mechanical rust removal of drill pipe internal and external threads. One is to use a manual brush or electric brush to wipe, and the other is to use a drill pipe internal and external thread brush to clean. Manual brushes and electric brushes are common rust removal tools. They are suitable for removing shallow rust spots on the surface, but they are not ideal for deeper rust spots. The drill pipe internal and external thread brush can effectively clean deep rust spots and is easy to use. It is suitable for thread rust removal of steel, copper, stainless steel and other materials.

drill pipe thread sleeve

2. Chemical rust removal
On the basis of mechanical rust removal, the use of some chemical products, such as rust removers, acids, etc., can further improve the rust removal effect. This type of product is highly corrosive, produces chemical effects on metal surfaces, and can quickly remove rust, corrosion, and polish. It should be noted that when using chemical rust remover, you must follow the operating steps in the instruction manual to avoid damaging the drill pipe.

Things to note when removing rust from drill pipes:
1. Choose appropriate rust removal methods and tools;
2. When using rust remover, you must follow the steps in the instruction manual to prevent damage to the drill pipe;
3. Regularly maintain the internal and external threads of the drill pipe to prevent serious corrosion caused by long-term accumulation.


The rust removal methods for the internal and external threads of the drill pipe include mechanical rust removal and chemical rust removal. Mechanical rust removal mainly uses tools such as manual or electric brushes, while chemical rust removal requires the use of chemical products such as rust removers and acids. At the same time, during the process of rust removal, it is also necessary to pay attention to suitable rust removal tools and operating methods, as well as the maintenance and anti-corrosion measures of the drill pipe.

Click here to learn more: Drill pipe connection method

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